Sunday, May 15, 2011

owh my soul one..i really miss you

oh my dear one ...i really miss you...lama tak coret somthing kat my heart blog like my heart u knowsss....everything will here...about my rountine...all about me...but sometimes masa terlalu la jeles ngan i untuk bersama2 blog i...yelah kadang3 bila face je someting rasa nak je berlari ke laptop and bukak blog tapi ade jer keje kena siapkan...since i was silent to written something here,i was face thousand colour of my life..i was call it colour because it's make myself be wonderfull...macam2 rasa ade...either it's bad,worst,good,disipointed and so on...gaul sekali dah mcm nasi ambeng..hahhaha...last entry kalu tk silap sorry my dear, i want to wish it but i can't :( written by me yang pas2 tue,i just copy somewhere...hehehhe..nak tulis banyak mende but selalu je pending kat otak terkeluar by tulisan...hehehe.. actually i would like to story about kekuatan..satu mnde yang senang untuk disebut tapi payah untuk dilakukan...hehhe...but hold on for a while...for the next entry i will post patient enough...daaa....

~on first week industrial tranning., bored no work to do...just on website and smile...on hold...and pikir pasal report untuk this week..jeng3...

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